- Celebrate the things that I've accomplished, including things which morphed and were accomplished in a new form
- Decide which things I would like to carry over into a new 101 list or at least onto my To Do list
- For those items that are undone and that I no longer want to do, I will donate $1/item to Inner City Angels, a Toronto organization that brings the arts into inner city schools.
Jamie's Completed List of 101 Things in 1001 Days
Start date: March 5, 2006
End date: December 1, 2008
The Things I've Accomplished, including things that morphed (62 items)
- Paid off my student loan (completed October 24, 2006)
- Got my Nia Blue Belt (completed November 9, 2006)
- Find/create a special place for my journals and photo albums. (They ended up on a shelf after many other things were rearranged. I'm happy with where they are.)
- Go to fFida (completed August 18, 2006)
- Get vent in kitchen taken care of (completed December 14, 2006)
- Create cards. I have made cards made with prints of my collages. (completed Fall 2008)
- Deposit change (Done. Can you believe we had $500? That's now in our travel fund)
- Find a mentor (Though really she found me. Completed March 28, 2007)
- Go on a nature walk. (Completed fall 2007)
- Finish 2 kitchen windows (Completed June 2, 2006)
- Get a pair of rubber boots and go for a walk in the rain (completed July 21, 2008)
- Have a meaningful conversation with my Dad (completed August 9, 2006)
- Invite people over for a meal 6 times, starting with Mom (6/6 complete. Mom over for dinner April 16, 2006, Beth, Mom and Shannon over for Easter April 8, 2007, Mom & Shannon for Christmas dinner, my Father-in-Law Jan 8, 2008, Mom & Shannon Jan 26, 2008)
- Leave my day job (completed August 15, 2006) Actually, I did this twice: first by going from full-time to contract and then by leaving completely to work full time at my business.
- Get my charts done (completed January 8, 2007) (My astrologer was great. You can find her here)
- Create and fill an art journal (completed July 23, 2006)
- Take 100 Nia classes (I stopped keeping track but am confident between my studies, my subbing and my teaching it is reasonable to consider this complete)
- Have my taxes up to date (completed August 31, 2006)
- Take my vitamins every day for a month (completed April 20, 2006)
- FOH lighting working (completed December 11, 2006)
- Go to 10 new restaurants (complete: Cafe Luxembourg, La Brouette, Simon's Wok, Urban Thai Bistro, The Rectory, Jawny Bakers, Grenadier Cafe and Teahouse, 7Numbers, The Artful Dodger, Armadillo Texas Grill)
- Get my CPR certification (completed March 17, 2006)
- Create and keep a spell/prayer/magic book (completed July 23, 2006)
- Get new glasses (completed June 29, 2006)
- Get front of house painted (completed Summer 2008)
- Plant a tree (completed April 4, 2006 - counting the Mock Orange as a tree. Since then we've also planted a lilac. Since these are the right size for our little garden, they count)
- Go vegetarian for a week (completed January 1-8, 2007. Easy-peasy)
- Get Aveda conditioner (completed April 20, 2006)
- Have an article published (I'm surprised how much writing I've done over the past while but officially consider this down with my regular Creative Compass articles at Wishstudio Blogzine. Thanks, Mindy)
- Have the driveway done. (completed Summer 2008 and thrilled)
- Run a special event (completed November 2008. I'm going to count leading Soul Coaching as this event)
- Go into a store that intimidates me (completed November 1, 2006)
- Run a collage workshop (completed Jan 13, 2008 and a few times since)
- Make piragi (completed Boxing Day 2006)
- Go to a comedy show (Jan 18, 2008)
- Go computer-free for a weekend (Completed Oct 13 & 14, 2007)
- Participate in a spiritual ritual (completed October 26, 2006 for Samhain)
- Join a networking group (completed April 2007)
- Pay monthly bills through my own business income (completed Sept 30, 2006)
- Become a certified co-active coach (completed April 18, 2006)
- Put together 1 awesome outfit for each season (completed Fall 2008)
- Replace coffee and end tables (completed December 2007)
- Fingerpaint (completed August 23, 2006)
- Go to a movie by myself on a weekday afternoon (completed August 24, 2006)
- Speak at an event. (completed September, 2008. Okay, this one may be my favourite because I had 100% forgotten this was on my list until I was going through it and realized I had done it!)
- Run an "on your own path" group (completed January, 2008 with Circe's Circle)
- Send 100 appreciation notes (I stopped keeping track of this as well but I send out something almost every single day either via email or card to let people know that I appreciate them)
- Take the cats to the vet (completed March 10, 2006)
- Take a class with Justin (completed March 17, 2007)
- Go to 3 Toronto public gardens or parks (completed, went to the Toronto Music Garden and High Park, and the park near us.)
- Work through Pencil Dancing (I'm going to call this complete because creating The Next Chapter and working through books with bloggers is really satisfying the goal of this one.
- Teach a Nia class (complete May 10, 2007. I now teach on a regular basis)
- Go to Old Montreal with Justin (completed June, 2008)
- Get window coverings in kitchen (completed November 18, 2007)
- Take a Feldenkrais class (completed December 2, 2006)
- Get moisturizer from aesthetician (completed April 13, 2006)
- Find 7 new allies (completed April 7, 2006)
- Volunteer for an event (I'm going to consider running The Next Chapter: Soul Coaching the event)
- See a Soulpepper show (completed August 19, 2006)
- Get a thai yoga massage (completed August 9, 2006. If you are in Toronto and would like a great practitioner, email me and I'll share her contact info)
- Take an expressive arts workshop (completed February 24, 2006. This truly changed my life as I ended up enrolling in an Expressive Arts program the next fall)
- Give myself 15 minutes of chair-and-stare time a day for a month (completed April 22, 2006)
Things I Still Intend to Do (22 items)
- Run a workshop for young women
- Do a spa treatment I've never done before
- Go horseback riding
- Go for a high tea
- Take a tai chi class
- Go on a spa retreat
- No bare bulbs on the main floor or upstairs (in process - only 3 lights left to do)
- Throw a party
- Try a trapeze
- Be TV-free for a week
- Go to the zoo
- Replace the front door
- Read all nominated books for the Giller Prize 2006 (completed Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures, DeNiro's Game, The Perfect Circle)
- Throw a dance party (This is going to be an event. I've already started looking for spaces
- Run a celebration workshop
- Watch the sunrise
- Visit Suzie
- Throw an art activity party (This is now going to be more like a workshop)
- Try reflexology
- Watch all unwatched movies or give them away (at this point I think it's the latter!)
- Visit Jason (Maybe this didn't happen so that I can visit him in California where he's moved instead of Kingston, where he was, lol)
- Go to the AGO by myself
Things I'm going to make a donation for (16 items)
Some of these I still may do, and some of them I really won't. With some, they weren't as appealing as I first thought. And some, I still like the idea of but I don't want to make a commitment to it right now. And so, I close the commitment with a donation.
- In winter, bundle up and have hot chocolate on the deck at midnight. I really can't believe that I didn't do this one. This one was far too easy for me to let myself off the hook for! I think maybe I just don't like being cold.
- Make breakfast cookies
- Participate in the Take Back the Night Walk
- Become a Reiki Master
- Send Justin a present at work I realized that I don't think he'd actually like this
- Create bookmarks
- See fireworks
- Send 3 spontaneous gifts (1/3 sent)
- Take a session with an Alexander Technique Practitioner
- Play Bingo
- Take a puppetry class
- Go to an outdoor Shakespeare performance
- Go for an early morning walk in my neighbourhood
- Make a piece of art and hang it in the living room
- Take a class at OCAD. I am absolutely amazed to say that I have absolutely no desire to do this whatsoever anymore and that is such a big deal. I think studying Expressive Arts was awesome for me.
- Go hot-air ballooning
Decided to take off the list (1 item)
- Go to Punta Cana (cancelled) A variety of things happened over this time period which made it just seem best to remove this trip off the list. I feel fine about that.
Wow Jamie! I'm truly impressed with your list and all that you managed to accomplish! How fantstic is that? You deserve to feel great about it!
Reading your and Shannon's list, I am absolutely floored by the creativity and dedication of this "exercise". the 62 things you completed! WOW!
It is aslo very impressive that you let go of certain things. That is very difficult for a lot of us to do. Saying, "Nope, can't or won;t do it." It's very liberating isn't it?
And what a compassionate way of honoring those things!
Absolutely awesome! :)
Thank you for your ongoing inspiration.
You have done so many things! I don't know what to say besides wow! I've never kept a list like that of everything I've accomplished and what I want to do. It seems like a wonderful idea.
Holy cow Jamie! It is absolutely amazing how much you have accomplished. Of course I have seen you in action and know just how busy and goal-oriented you are and love that you lead such an amazing and successful life. You astound me.
I'm glad I'm still on the list! I can't wait for your visit, whenever that happens.
This is amazing Jamie! I still can't believe it's over. It's fascinating journey and I am so impressed by how much you got done!
wow!!! what a fabulous list! congratulations for the awesome things you have completed and for also letting go of the things you no longer felt served you to do. it's really beautiful to see your commitment. your list really has inspired me, i had been thinking of doing something similar for the new year... there are so many things i would love to do and goals that i would like to see myself reach.
thank you so very much for sharing, it has been a wonderful way of getting to know you a little better.
have a beautiful evening
I am simply exhausted from reading your list. Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!
Now, the burning question on my mind...are you going to start a new cycle?
WOW! An impressive list indeed and congratulations to you for accomplishing so much! I enjoyed checking out the links and have decided that there can only be one conclusion....YOU ARE AWESOME, Jamie!
love, light and peace,
You are simply amazing! I think I may just pull out my journal this morning and finish my cup of coffee with my own list of 101 Things to do. I like your idea of making a donation for the items you did not accomplish. Bravo!
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