I am a bowl
on the upturned earth
I am a flame.
I am on fire.
I am a wound
on the upturned earth.
And the wind sweeps me
on the upturned earth
I am a flame.
I am on fire.
I am a wound
on the upturned earth.
And the wind sweeps me
For a couple of years now I've felt a call to explore Expressive Arts Therapy. Yesterday I took my first workshop and LOVED it! We spent the day playing instruments, making sounds, moving, writing, painting, drawing. It was fun. It was beautiful. It was sacred. I learned about myself, and I was reminded how beautiful people are and how powerful the arts are. This work is extraordinary.
I had been quite nervous about going. When I read the poster, I would cry. I thought that I would have a tough day with wildly flowing tears and huge emotional release. And I was ready for that. Instead I realized that the tears were because I'm not doing this stuff. When I was in it, there was no reason to cry, except for being touched by the beauty and intimacy and sacredness.
It was a fully creative day yesterday. I felt so alive and so in touch with my self and my inner artist. I was full of ideas. I didn't hesitate to share. I was accepting of my needs and didn't judge when I wanted to engage or when I wanted to have a moment of silence in the sun. And there was room for all of it. This is a space I can live in.

The only question is "Now what?"
Note: Wow, I didn't even realize that this completes #100 of my 101 Things in 1001 Days list! That brings me to 32/101 complete! Bonus :)
Wowwowwowwow! Wow, Jamie! Sooo fabulous! Good for you! I'm so happy for you, and proud that you ground up the nerve to listen to your inner call. And I'm excited (and, weirdly, nervous on your behalf) (?!) about your, "And now what?" question. It's a pleasure watching you bloom as you do your thing.
This is definitely your special place, your special practice Jamie! It's been calling you for a while. I'm glad you're listening to that call. I guess now you have to figure out how to incorporate it into your life on a regular basis. Perhaps sharing with others? You're so good at that!
I had a feeling that this was something serious for you when I read your answer to the question about what career you would like to try in the last post. You are already moving forward with it! I am truly amazed by the things that happen when we start focusing on a goal. I have a feeling you're going to have an answer the question "now what?" even before you know what hit you.
In the meantime I just want to say that as you wish this for yourself, I wish it for you too! :)
love you,
More! That's what! Lots more of this good stuff that lifts you and fulfils you :)
It's wonderful to read and see how excited this process gets you, Jamie. It's all so positive and the world needs lots more of that, and people like you!
Wishing you plenty more of these experiences, and the opportunity to help others to gain the same wonderfully positive outlook that you share with us now.
Be Happy, Jamie :)
Many Blessings,
Suze xXx
Wow, that is amazing Jamie! I'm so glad you had such an amazing time it sounds perfect!
Thank you for sharing your art!
Yes, more! I can see a change in your face and it´s not just the fabulous hair cut.
Wow! What a beautiful and glowing post. I am so intrigued. It sounds like something I would love to do, both as a participant and as a leader. I agree with Sacred Suzie, this is your special place. How great that you finally found it. Enjoy the glow.
wonderful, it sounds interesting and i'm happy for you :) xxx
Very cool. I'm just discovering expressive arts therapy myself and I've known about this discipline for only a little over a month and I too feel really drawn to it. The power of art and creativity is very powerful and goes way deeper than words.
It's nice to meet someone else who's interested in expressive arts therapy!
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