(The dreamboards original home was Suzie's Sacred Space. As Suzie has moved to Chez Sacred Suzie, she has passed the torch to me and allowed me to use the basis of her instructions with some adjustments that reflect the change. Thank you, Suzie!)
WHAT: A dreamboard is a collection of words and images of something we want to manifest; it can be done in any way with any thing. It can be simple or complicated. It's up to you.
WHERE: I will put up a post that will have a space for you to add your direct link to your dreamboard (like the one used here).
WHEN: Each full moon. There is power and energy in the full moon. When you add your link, take a moment to really set your intention, to say to yourself and the Universe, "This is what I wish to manifest this month. So may it be" or your variation on that theme. If you can't post it on that day, don't worry. The links will remain open and you can add your dreamboard at any time. It will still make a difference.
WHY: Putting our intentions into tangible form helps both us and the Universe get really clear on what it is that we want. The Universe responds to what we put energy into. Let's put our energy into our dreams!
WHO: As Suzie said, "Anyone can participate! ANYONE! I don't have to know you, I don't have to visit your blog, you don't have to be a regular at mine... You don't need to believe in magic, you just gotta give it a try." We all have dreams. You and yours are welcome here.
HOW: However you want, this project is totally yours. You can create your dreamboard on bristol board with magazine images. You can create it on the computer. You can paint one big word on your bedroom wall. There is no way to get it wrong. How great is that?
So, let your yearnings stir you. Let your desires find their way onto the board. Let yourself dream.
See you on the full moon!
See you on the full moon!
Wahoooo! :)
So exciting. Thank you Jamie for taking this on, and for all the wonderful things you are bringing into the world: inspiration, guidance, connection, creativity, LOVE! :)
Thank you so much for carrying on the torch with the dreamboards Jamie. You are the perfect person to keep this dream manifestation ritual going strong! You are the collaging queen. :) I'm going to work on my full dreamboard today!
I'm working on mine. Thanks Jamie!
I think it's cool how Suzie has passed the dreamboard "torch" to you!
hugs to both of you!
Oh, and that is one super-fabulous dream board pictured here!!
May all your intentions come to be!
Yay! I always miss the full moon stuff. lol I'm finally in sync! Thank you!
You have given me the incentive to move forward:) This was on my list of things to do in my journal.
Now...i am even more motivated.
Thank you!
I almost forgot about this! I hope I find time to make one...
are you going to make a flickr group?
i want to do it!
How lovely! Since I came in late on this one, I am working on the Next Dreamboard for the Next Full Moon! This is exciting!!
ooohhh yay yay yay!!! i'm so happy that you took this on jamie!!! i'm sad to see it leave sacred suzie's, but i am happy that suzie is following her heart on her new path... thank you for posting all the details again!!! see you on the full moon!!!
peace and love
oh and i wanted to thank you for including the link to the full moon names... great info!!! i looooove how this month's full moon is called the wolf full moon... funny, i did an animal oracle card reading the other day and the wolf came up and so i've been thinking about survival and wildness lately... so very fitting!!! thank you thank you thank YOU!!!
peace out
I can't wait to show my dreamboard. This is my first time doing it and I love how it's turned out.
I've just about completed my dreamboard for this month and I am looking forward to seeing everyones :-)
The synchronicity keeps showing up! I've been looking at the moon the last couple of days ~ really noticing it as if for the first time. I've been reading the Vision Board book and yesterday the author contacted me, yes me. Wow, she loves my work! What I love about what you are doing here is offering an opportunity to keep our visions alive and charged with so much love and energy. I'm definitely on board. You are so cool Miss Jamie.
I just found you here! This is so exciting! I have always felt a connection with the moon and this project is inspiring me to quit talking and start doing. Thank you.
I love this, and I missed the full moon action here in Feb., yet I will partake in March! Great Stuff!!!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I absolutely LOVE this. I've been passionate about the moon for some time now, and can't wait to participate in this March full moon experience.
oh wow! Just found your blog via Boho Mom. I run new moon boards! lol I might join in with these, must read the post more fully....
wow I am inspired! I absolutely love the idea of creating on the full moon, manifesting all dreams into reality. I made one too, if you wanna see, it's on my blog.
I am so excited. I found you in my twitter stream. Love twitter, and Art and LOA. Working on my dreamboard.
~Debbie_L on twitter
OH MY, this is SUCH beautiful concept/idea!!!! mmmhmmm!!!!
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