Holy moly, there's a reason why they call your Nia belt training an intensive! I spent from Friday to Friday dancing and learning and stretching and growing. I rolled around on the floor, explored the way voice supports movement, danced till the sweat dripped off my nose, learned about the body and my body, developed an intimate relationship with music and so much more. And I am proud to say that I have come out the other side an official blue belt, albeit baby blue. During the intensive you learn so much that it takes time, years really, to integrate all the learning. There's so much to say about the experience, but here are some highlights:
- Learning from the BEST. Debbie and Carlos are the founders of Nia, and it was an honour to be taught by them.
- Dancing in a rehearsal space at the Elgin Winter Garden Theatre - how cool is that!
- Taking a master class that felt more like being at a night club than in a fitness class.
- Spending a week connecting with my body.
- Experiencing the insight and integrity of this community of Nia teachers.
- Graduating with my blue belt
- Celebrating at 7Numbers*
(Pssst, I'm on the left in white)
* And because the celebration dinner was at a restaurant I hadn't been to, I get one step closer to achieving #33, go to 10 new restaurants. I'm now at 8/10! And the food at 7Numbers was delicious! I can't wait to take Justin there to enjoy the atmo and the yumminess!
Sounds amazing.
Congratulations Jamie!!!! Sounds like an awesome, intensive, full experience!!!!
Absolutely amazing :)
Congratulations Jaime!!
Sounds like it was the most amazing experience for you and what an honour to work with the original Nia people in such a sacred place. It must have been amazing! You look so adorable in that picture, so happy and truly Jamie-like. This is a good sign. You're going to change people's lives with dance!
congrats jamie! it sounds wonderful, amazing, incredible...all of it!!! :) i think it's wonderful that you took the time to do this for yourself. i think quitting your job was one of the best things you ever did for yourself. you are such an inspiration to me...to everyone!
Hi Jamie,
I thought of you last week, wishing you well, but also not really sure what you were actually doing.
The photo tells a wonderful story. Great energy radiates from the group. You must have a great sense of accomplishment. I celebrate your success and determination.
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