A Smattering of Jamie's Accomplishments and Memorable Moments for 2006
- Taking my first trip to Europe. Justin and I went to Holland and also made a trip to Belgium.
- Becoming a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC).
- Becoming a Nia Blue Belt. Blue is the second of four Nia belt levels.
- Turning my full-time job into a freelance position to make room for my developing coaching practice.
- Starting this blog.
- Launching the Shyne Like a Star Dance Party on May 1 (coming again this year, so put it in your daybook!)
- Being invited to join a company's roster of coaches and doing so.
- Being invited to run a series of webinars on soft skills (e.g. self-confidence, making a good impression). They are now in the works.
- Running a Coaching Extravaganza and raising money for Inner City Angels.
- Going to fFida for the first time (which now looks like it's called the Toronto International Dance Festival)
- Going to see Soulpepper productions for the first time. We saw The Chairs and King Lear.
- Justin and I going on regular trips down to the Beaches, even in December.
- Justin and I getting to the Sunset Grill for French Toast several times during the week (when there's not a lineup out the door!)
- Seeing my favourite movie of the year, Little Miss Sunshine.
- Realizing Little Miss Sunshine had competition when my sisters and I got to see Dreamgirls on the holidays.
- Celebrating my birthday at 7Numbers on the Danforth.
- Becoming a workshop leader for justBe... (I can't wait!)
- Being featured on Self Portrait Challenge.
- Creating an art journal that worked as a magic/wish/spell journal too.
- Creating an altered book as a journal. (I'd show you but my scanner is currently kaput)
- Starting my 101 Things in 1001 Days list.
- Having light fixtures installed in the house.
- Finding and planting a mock orange tree.
- Shannon living with us for a time.
- Participating in a beautiful and moving Samhain ritual.
- Taking a Feldenkrais class.
- Going to the Gardiner Museum and seeing the amazing Paul Day exhibit
- Going to Stillwater Spa for a pedicure, thanks to the generosity of a friend.
- Trying 9 new restaurants. (See #33 on my 101 List)
- Celebrating Yule with Justin, including going to SweetTooth on the Danforth – yum!
- Exploring the Music Garden with Justin and walked all the way out to the Ex.
- Going to the Cat Show with Shannon.
- Going to the Rectory on Centre Island. I've been wanting to do that for years.
- Walking in High Park with Justin.
- Making gingerbread Halloween monsters.
- Going to the Auction.
- Working through True Balance with a group of Bloggers
- Starting to think about theatre again.
- Getting my taxes up to date.
- Fingerpainting
- The lock on our door busting at night and Justin, friends and family getting it sorted for me. I felt so loved and taken care of.
- Getting a Thai yoga massage
- Watching So You Think You Can Dance (except when they're mean).
- Watching the garden grow.
- Getting our Christmas tree from the nice guys who sell them at Canadian Tire
- Attending Nia classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings with Martha and Roberta.
- Going to Sarah’s, our local restaurant
- Going to Relish, the new tapas place with atmo that opened in our ‘hood
- Going to Sandy’s, the local Chinese food place, for relaxed Friday nights. (See Friday)
- Being in conversation with my Dad.
- Sharing time with my family during the holidays
- Seeing Suzie.
- Being credited as a Creative Consultant on a film that started as a part of a theatre piece I directed.
- Participating in a postcard exchange.
What are the moments you'll remember from 2006?
OK Jamie, you're CRAZY for even hesitating for a second that you didn't accomplish anything! You do more than just about anyone I know.
I feel like I've done zilch but perhaps I'll have the same experience and see how far I've come! (fingers crossed)
Wow, you really have done a lot this year! Just reading your blog I knew that you had, but I guess it can be hard to forget, so blogs are great for reminding us. And husbands too! Justin sounds so wonderful and supportive. Congrats on finding each other! Also, scrolling down, your holiday photos look so fun. Love the green wall color in the kitchen, and the Rudolph nose! I think I need a "nose cozy" for our frigid morning dog walks! Happy New Year, Jamie!
Hi Jamie,
This list was a lot of fun to read, especially because I was "there" for several of them. Lots of people have energy, but you are singular in having energy + direction. It's pleasing to watch -- kind of like watching an Olympic skater. They make it look so easy.
I noticed also that so many of your accomplishments are people-focused, rather than Jamie-focused, if that makes sense. It's somewhat rare in our current ego-driven society.
I'm excited to see what you do with your skills, talents and gifts in the coming year.
WOW - how could you think you hadn't done anything?!?!?
I'm still sorting out whether we will get to Toronto or not before we go, but I'll let you know as soon as I can!
I'm so glad that we 'met' this year! I'm looking forward to the dance party and to seeing all of the amazing things you can do this year!!!
Happy New Year, Jamie!!!!
i loved little miss sunshine too! i loved your list. it prompted a spontaneous list of my own:
i loved myself more this year, particularly when i was feeling and expressing negativity. i just kept saying "i love and approve of myself" through the whole thing.
i practiced being authentic in every relationship i have.
i hung out my private practice shingle.
i followed every impulse of generosity that i felt.
i spoiled my cats.
that's pretty good! hahaha.....
happy new year, j-grrl.
What a great list! You have accomplished so much - Congratulations!!!!
It really has been a good year, I can't wait to see what 2007 will bring.
Wow, Jamie, I'm exhausted from just reading your list of accomplishments! What a fantastic year! Wishing you lots more positive experiences in the year to come...
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