Monday, April 02, 2007

The Success Principles ~ Principle 5

Last Monday I looked at Jack Canfield's success principle #4, believe it's possible. To accompany your burgeoning belief that what you want can happen, success principle #5 is believe in yourself. Canfield gives some powerful examples of how people rose above their situations and imposed expectations by believing in themselves. One of his suggestions is to give up using the phrase "I can`t." I`ve written before about the impact of disempowering language. There is something entirely different about saying, "That's not currently in my budget" rather than "I can't afford it." Personally, I'm going to make that a focus that this week.

Last week I wrote that you can start believing it's possible by looking for proof and acknowledging it when you see it. This goes for believing in yourself as well. Examples of when we`ve messed up are so often indelibly etched in our brains, yet we often don`t take the time to celebrate our successes. I encourage my clients to start a journal in which every day they write 5 things that they want to acknowledge themselves for. Taking time to pay attention to and celebrate what you`ve accomplished is key to building your belief in yourself. What would you like to acknowledge yourself for?

Recently I was inspired when Leah celebrated her accomplishments. Apparently this is an exercise in Finding Water. I thought this was a great way to kickstart a week of believing in yourself. I`ve included my personal list and encourage you to write your own and to share it. Let`s start believing!

50 Things I've accomplished
  1. I run my own business.
  2. I am a certified professional co-active coach (CPCC)
  3. I have made a difference in people`s lives (and I`m so thankful they`ve let me know!)
  4. During my coaching training, I was assertive about what I wanted to learn
  5. I was recruited right out of my coaching certification exam
  6. I was the Artistic Director of an independent theatre company, Stubborn Muses
  7. I have directed, acted and choreographed for the stage
  8. I sang on stage
  9. As a director, I have cast people who thought they couldn't dance and then helped them discover they can
  10. I directed a show with actors ranging in age from 10 to 30, a show rife with challenges, and was wildly proud of the result
  11. In 2006, I started the Shyne Like a Star Virtual Dance Party, encouraging people to spend 15 minutes dancing on May 1st. It's coming again this year, so be sure to write down the date!
  12. I am a certified Nia blue belt instructor
  13. I completed a Masters in Drama at the Graduate Centre for Study of Drama at the University of Toronto
  14. I graduated with distinction from the University of Toronto with a specialist degree in English and Theatre, minoring in Anthropology
  15. I was the Artistic Director of a theatre festival and conference, F.O.O.T.
  16. I have completed both my Reiki I and Reiki II studies
  17. I started starshyne productions
  18. I launched wishcasting
  19. I performed as Papa Smurf
  20. I have paid off one of my student loans
  21. I went from being an ostrich about finances to establishing an excellent credit rating
  22. With my husband, I purchased a house
  23. I married the man of my dreams
  24. I was the president of my graduate department's student exec
  25. I maintained my integrity in a highly demanding, aggressive conflict
  26. I transformed my grad school newsletter from a 1-page information summary into a lively and much-enjoyed publication
  27. I played a major part in the raising of my sisters and brother
  28. I was the president of the Student Organization for the Promotion of School Spirit (SOPSS) in my high school
  29. I always go for a win-win situation
  30. In grade 8, I made a conscious decision about the kinds of things I wanted to be doing in my teen years and started making them happen (e.g. organizing outings and events)
  31. I tap danced on the tables in the library on my last day of high school
  32. I am certified in CPR
  33. I have worked for a major broadcasting corporation
  34. I have sold used clothing on Ebay
  35. I have taken an introductory Drawing and Painting class
  36. I left a long and significant love relationship and found my self and my freedom
  37. I have been a creative consultant on a film
  38. I was the voice of a telephone system (i.e. If you would like to speak with reception, press 0)
  39. I shifted from a full-time job to a freelance position in order to transition to being my own boss
  40. I was my dance teachers right-hand assistant
  41. I got 102% in high school Latin
  42. I have always gone ahead and made my own thing happen
  43. If I find something scary but it also really interests me, I tend to do it.
  44. Despite my fear of deep water, I went whale-watching
  45. Despite my extreme anxiety of dentists, I go to my dentist regularly (and thank you goes out to the wonderful people there who have taken my fear seriously and provided support and kindness)
  46. I volunteered for the Distress Line
  47. I organized a group to walk for AIDS
  48. I have walked with my husband for the Assaulted Womens Helpline
  49. I have stood up for myself when I have been sexually harrassed
  50. I have often made the first move in romantic relationships


Suzie Ridler said...

You have done and accomplished so much Jamie! I particularly really appreciated the line saying that you stood up against sexual harrassment, those types of accomplishments are particularly challenging and not always get patted on the back for yet they're so important. Thank you for this, I will think about all the things I have done too.

Julie said...

I need to think a bit about this...maybe not 50, but 10 is very doable. Thanks again for this Sunday series.

Shannon said...

That's amazing Jamie! What a wonderful, diverse and impressive list! WOOHOO GO YOU!

Jessie said...

awww jamie...i love youuu. :) this is such an incredible list. and i learned so much about you! i only did a short list in the margin of my finding water book...but you make me want to revisit it and give myself a little bit more credit. you are one of the most amazing women i have ever "met." your posts have been so powerfully inspiring lately. thank you for being you!

Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

*applause, applause, applause*...i celebrate these fabulous accomplishments with you!