A little while ago, I wrote about how I can obsess about solving problems and coming up with solutions and that instead I decided to let go and let the Universe offer some guidance. Well, did she ever. I thoroughly believe that we are consistently getting messages from the Universe. We just have to find our own way of listening.
One of the things I had been struggling with was what to focus on in terms of my business right now. As a woman with more ideas than I know what to do with, I was looking for some guiding light to set priorities by, something that both stirred my soul and would clearly serve and speak to my clients and my tribe.
So, I went to the bookstore to look for some magazines for my June Dreamboard. I wandered around looking at all sorts of different magazines, and there it was on the cover of Psychology Today: "Dare to Be Yourself," living an authentic life. Aha, eureka and all that jazz. In that moment I was reminded of how I always say the only reason we're here is to be ourselves. I realized that the people who are doing professional and personal work that I admire are all about authenticity. Heck, I have a picture by my desk that literally says, "Dare to be yourself"!
Clearly, this wasn't discovering something new. It was seeing something that was so core to my self, my work and my purpose that I wasn't actually conscious of it. Thank you, Universe, for the eye-opener!
In addition to this powerful aha, since I decided to stop pushing and decided to be more open to what was around me, a world of opportunity has opened up. I've had a new client show up out of the blue, made new and interesting connections and had several offers to collaborate on really exciting projects. There was lots of go to flow with!
And beneath it all, the personal call to me, the one that whispers gently and confidently in my ear, "Dare," is the clear and undeniable fact that I am deeply connected to the Universe and the work I do is soul work. Woo-woo or not, that's me, that's my worldview, and that's the way I'm living my life when I am the most joyful, the most powerful and the most myself.
What a beautiful post to read as I prepare to embark on my "go with the flow" journey to Nia Intensive training this week - thank you for helping us to see that it really is all right there.
this line is soul food for me:
the one that whispers gently and confidently in my ear, "Dare," is the clear and undeniable fact that I am deeply connected to the Universe and the work I do is soul work.
thank you dear Jamie for being who you are!
LOVE it! As I was reading I was curious as to what was authentic about you that you needed to embrace and of course, it's the woo-woo! What a powerful realization, post, photograph...wonderful Jamie. I love reading this and you know, you helped me figure something out about me too and it's very similar. Great minds.
Yes! Such an affirmation. I have been experiencing the Universes loud and clear voice as well, and it seems to be increasing in volume and frequency the more I surrender to the flow that already exists in my life, but that I was trying to control and over think.
Lovely post... Thank you!
whowzas, woman! :) i can just FEEL the energy flowing out of this post! ah, i love it...a jamie energy INFUSION! :)
i am glad to hear that so many wonderful things are happening for you. it couldn't be any other way.
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