Project 365 is my attempt to capture a year in my life through a photograph a day. On Saturday's I'll post the week's pics. At the end of the year, I'll create a video of all these precious moments. Feel free to participate at any time. Yours can be Project 347 or Project 292. It's up to you.
I so need that book on healing your relationship with your home! I hope it helps you too.
It's so wonderful to see the picture of Jay! I wish I could have been there. I heard a lot about that cake from Mom too. Yummy.
Shannon looks like a Borg! OMG, that is too funny. Yes, we are ALL camera crazy. I love that pic, that rocks. Oh I miss you guys, can't wait to come home for my visit.
Jamie, that is the cutest picture of you! OMG, so cute!
Hope you share your naturopath's wisdom, they're amazing people.
That dance studio is PERFECT!
So great to see Justin! Apricot beer? OK, I may actually like that.
Did you try on all of those clothes? I am thoroughly impressed and have written way too much.
Jamie, I've had a lot going on offline the past few months, so fell way behind in blog-reading, but I've just caught up on 3 months worth of your posts! (I know I 'see' you at Twitter daily...but it's not the same as seeing you HERE.) I'm so bummed I missed the May 1 dance party, since that's how I discovered your blog two years ago. LOVED the hand dance video...always love your sense of style fashion-wise...love that you meet up with Shannon on Friday nights...love that you focus on 'right clients' (so often we spend so much time focusing on the wrong ones)...your vision cards rock!...and ohmygod, you saw Jenn! :) Re healing our homes...I'm in the midst of a major purging and reorganizing process at home (the first since we moved in a little over 3 years ago). It's felt so good to move the energy around. It's also been very telling to see how little space I was claiming as my own. I started this process to make space for something...the past few days I've come to realize that it's not the something that's important...it's the process of clearing space. Because often what ends up entering that newfound space we've cleared isn't what we expected at all. Much love.
Looks like a great week! I remember a few of those days :) I loved the pic of the cart at VV - that wasn't ours was it? hehe.
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