Peppylady tagged me for this one. Instructions: Go into your photo archive, pick the 4th folder in the archive, select the 4th picture in the folder, and write about it. A person then needs to tag 4 other people to do the same.
So, my archives are, well, a little chaotic at the moment. So, I had a couple of places to look for the 4th picture of the 4th folder. First, I found the one above. Next, I found the one below.
See a theme? These aren't my cats. They are neighbourhood cats. This guy above is slipping into our backyard to say hi to me.
And this sweetie lives behind us but sometimes come to visit. He looks so much like Jinx that sometimes I'm afraid she got out!
And I don't just take pictures of cats in my neighbourhood. We met this cat in Gouda. Yes, in Holland.
And this little scrapper we met in Marken, Holland. What is it with the Dutch cats pulling the funny faces? hehe.
Back in our neighbourhood, this toughie decided to get some love and attention.
And of course, I have to include our cats, Jinx who is still with us and our beloved Bascha who passed away last year. We miss her still.
Love the neighborhood kitty pics! They have such lovely markings!
We have lots of neighborhood kitties, but most are too feral to get close enough for a photo-- most run when they hear or see us coming. We watch them through the kitchen window as they play in our yard and stalk birds at the feeder. I leave a bowl of food out for them by our back door.
ooohh yippeeee!!! you tagged me jamie!!! yay yay yay!!! this is gonna be super fun as my photo archives are chaotic as yours, i have so many folders!!! i think i'll pick randomly and see what happens!!! hee hee!!! oh fun fun fun!!! thank YOU!!! hee hee!!!
plus i'll be right back with my dreamboard post that has been smushed in with my mantra monday post, yay full moon!!!
I believe in magic, love, truth and beauty. My work and play revolve around creative self-expression and self-development. I am committed to building a life that is true to my self and my gifts and that supports others in doing the same. I'm here to dance.
Having been to Holland and part Dutch, I LOVE how much attitude Dutch cats have - giggle!!
Aww, they are so cute!
That video killed me! Thank you for sharing it.
The kitty pics are absolutely adorable.
Love the neighborhood kitty pics! They have such lovely markings!
We have lots of neighborhood kitties, but most are too feral to get close enough for a photo-- most run when they hear or see us coming. We watch them through the kitchen window as they play in our yard and stalk birds at the feeder. I leave a bowl of food out for them by our back door.
That is a fantastic collection of cat pictures! The second one is amazing how you could captivate the action. Great work. :)
Thanks for the tag. I will get to it as soon as I open my laptop (that´s where all my pics are).
That video was so cute! I love the cat pictures too.
I have an award for you.
As a cat lover, I enjoyed seeing all those kitties from other parts of the world.
aww, kitties!
that video looked like it could have been filmed in my house. the guy even looked a bit like the hubster. :-)
ooohh yippeeee!!! you tagged me jamie!!! yay yay yay!!! this is gonna be super fun as my photo archives are chaotic as yours, i have so many folders!!! i think i'll pick randomly and see what happens!!! hee hee!!! oh fun fun fun!!! thank YOU!!! hee hee!!!
plus i'll be right back with my dreamboard post that has been smushed in with my mantra monday post, yay full moon!!!
peace and love to you jamie!!!
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