Jamie's Thought Threads on Self-Focus
- The world needs your gifts. Be generous by developing and sharing them.
- What calls your spirit deserves your attention.
- You are here to be who you are.
- Love means supporting each other's dreams.
- Let people love you by supporting you in the pursuit of your dreams.
- It is a gift to model fulfillment and self-expression.
- In a family, everyone is equally important.
- You can't be in relationship if you leave yourself out.
- If you don't pay attention to your self, your wants and needs, you will get lost.
- Know yourself by spending time by yourself.
- Boundaries are healthy.
- Distractions can be fear talking.
- Discernment plays a role in the creative process. Judgment shuts it down.
- We each have our own way.
- There is a distinction to be made between focusing on your creative work and focusing on your self.
- Self-care is a part of the creative process.
- Focus is a way of expressing your respect and love.
- Respect for your work starts with you.
- Your development as an artist requires time and attention, as does your development as a person.
- Women create powerful, loving, supportive communities.
- We are tribal beings in pursuit of self-actualization. Shifting between intimacy and individuation is a part of the journey.
I love your threads. They all resonated with me like beautiful strings in a heavenly orchestra. They make a majestic sweater that will warm not only your soul but ours as well.
As you always do.
I would like to take this moment to thank you.
Thank you for being you. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. Thank you for leading us on this path of self-discovery and self-empowerment. For some of us, who have taken this journey kicking and screaming, our souls tired by our gremlins, this has been doubly important and difficult. Yet, you have been here for us, and for that I thank you, Jamie.
"There is a distinction to be made between focusing on your creative work and focusing on your self." WOW, this is so powerful for me to read. We are called to gift the Universe with our own voice, and this is not focusing on the SELF, this is focusing on the GIFT we are called to give. I am going to print your words in big letters and hang them in my studio - thanks so much for all your insight and thoughtfulness, and for bringing us all together in this journey!
Beautifully written as always. The line, we each have our own way, really struck me. It is hard to remember this sometimes. To be true to yourself without comparing with what others are doing.
Yes! Yes-yes-yes!
Beautifully said Jamie. Hey, you should write a book. ;)
"There is a distinction to be made between focusing on your creative work and focusing on your self."
Yes, I did NOT like the attempt to justify the word "selfish" and couldn't quite put my finger on why, but your distinction is IT!
Because if the author had used the OED (I don't know WHAT dictionary she was looking in -- ha): Selfish: concerned chiefly with one's own personal advantage or welfare TO THE EXCLUSION OF REGARD FOR OTHERS...
It goes on, but we all know what this word means! :)
Anyway, thank you for being so very precisely right. :)
Beautifully written Jamie! This spoke to me so very clear: "You are here to be who you are."
Thank you for being an inspiration and a supporter of my dreams. You are greatly appreciated. ♥
wow...so perfectly said. thank you.
You are such a big inspiration to me. Your words take a hold of my soul and shake it while it whispers, see I told you so! Thank you, yes, thank you for being such a bright spot in my life's journey.
A perfect list Jamie!
And a cool picture - love it!
This book project is helping me in a big way...thank you!
I am loving this journey.
This group and you have inspired me in ways I didn't even realize and I thank you for sharing yourself, this group and all you do!~
"You can't change what you don't acknowledge" Every week I see something that I need to acknowledge through your writing. What would I do without you Jamie???
Respect for your work starts with you.
Your development as an artist requires time and attention, as does your development as a person.
They're all good points, but these 2 really got to me. Thanks.
Respect for your work starts with you.
Your development as an artist requires time and attention, as does your development as a person.
They're all good points, but these 2 really got to me. Thanks.
Respect for your work starts with you.
Your development as an artist requires time and attention, as does your development as a person.
They're all good points, but these 2 really got to me. Thanks.
This is a very powerful subject for me. Your list is so inspirational. Thank you.
Nice distillation of that Chapter, the last thread, I feel, being the most poignant and powerful.
in love and light
jamie, your analysis is perfect. I got lost in this chapter (and actually a bit angry). you did a wonderful job of finding the diamonds in that dirty little mine of a chapter. thank you.
"Respect for your work starts with you." Pow! You hit me square in the chest (heart) with that one. How many times has someone complimented one of my photographs and I respond pointing out a flaw in it? Too many to even count! Art, regardless of the medium, speaks to us each differently. When I compose my frame to take my shot, I look at a lot of different aspects and when things are just right for ME, I take the photo. I may love the lighting - you may not even notice it. You may love the little red chair that I consider a distraction.
So yes, respect for my own work is something that I need to cultivate!
Thanks Jamie!
Thanks Jamie, for putting into words what I couldn't seem to.
My mother always said a selfish mother is a better mother. I used to think 'how can that be?' But now I know that respecting myself enough to give myself the time I need to express who I am sets a great example for my kids as well as producing a better, happier me.
I like the places your thought threads lead to... especially--
What calls your spirit deserves your attention.
I believe I will be adopting this as my mantra for the week.
Jamie, many of your thoughts here asre dead on with how I view self-focus and then some - great list!
Spot on, as always, Jamie...great post!
These are all just right, but the one that resonated the deepest for me was: "Focus is a way of expressing your respect and love."
In fact, you have just hit exactly where I needed to be reminded today - THANK YOU.
Jamie you listed excellent beliefs to live by. I'm going to print them out and put them around the house as affirmations of LIFE. thank you - they ring with truth.
This is gorgeous, Jamie. Thanks for posting :)
I just discovered your lovely blog this evening! Thank you so much for your thoughts, insights, and vulnerability!
Wow, those are great. I particularly like and totally relate to the last one.
Wow Jamie... you got far more out of this chapter thanI was able to dig... well done and really useful work. Thank you.
Kim H
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