And what I've really been thinking about is all the things that it would be healthy to let just slip through my system. Of course there are the physical things. But today I'm thinking about upsets that get the adrenalin coursing and how allowing the flow of energy through our systems helps bring the body back to ease. Tears need to be cried. Words need to be said. Tension needs to be released. Deep breaths need to be taken. In with spaciousness. Out with negativity. I'm ready for a bit of that today.
Keep letting go. It is part of the flow and ebb of life. So glad you took time for a nap. Siesta is the ultimate luxury.
Good post and so true. Those tears, words, and tensions can hurt if you don't let them out. Holding them in does no good.
Good for you for giving yourself a rest! You deserve it.
Your post just breathes with ease! just lovely. I love sneaking in a cat nap in the afternoons here and there. Ultimate self care.
Ah! Just reading your post made my breathing relax :) Thank you Jamie. for everything! :)
BTW - I also wrote this on my blog but I will post it for you here too. The mani-pedi place is called Metro Nails and it's on Danforth just east of Woodbine. :)
You always have an interesting twist on the book - I love that, thanks for the food for thought.
so glad you took a nap.. so important sometimes xo
Thanks so much for all you share! & how fun that you & Genie are 'almost neighbors!!' Love this time with SC - & already 'jumping ahead' to missing it next month!
I would love to get together over coffee! This is my hood too. I live north/east of Woodbine, and I made a mistake about the mani-pedi place. It's one block west of Woodbine...Where can I email you their number and mine? :)
So true! We have to purge the negative and drinking water to refill those tear ducts will help. I am so very proud of you Jamie that you had a little lie down.
Out damn negativity! Out! Leave Jamie alone!
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