In the past 2 weeks my vision for myself and for my work has shifted and at the same time focussed intently around what has always been true for me. The comments you wrote on my post about Mr. Cringan affirmed so much. Thank you. I'm still processing all that this shift means, all the ways that it might show up and this dreamboard is a beginning.
With dreamboards, usually I start with my intuition and see what finds its way to the page. For the first time I started with very specific goals and dreams in mind. I'm going to be launching some projects over the next while that I really hope you'll be as excited about and inspired by as I am.
Thank you, Suzie, for the dreamboard challenge.
I especially love the words that say 'be part of'
it's so important.
Love it! Great energy, ty 4 sharing, enjoy reading your OSHO Zen Card notes of the day too! Dreamboards, U r the artist of your own mindful landscapes yours to uncover, discover, recover. Keep mining the diamonds within. Enjoy. - rox
You are very welcome and I am super excited about your upcoming projects and can't wait for them Jamie. Way to go getting your dreamboard done with a particular dream in mind. Look at the abundance of images you found! It truly is amazing.
Amazing dream board!
i CAN'T wait!!
What a wonderful dream board - they are getting more and more specific - you are getting closer and closer to those dreams!
Love your dreamboard. I found something I´m sure you´ll like...
I look forward to hearing about your projects!
Your dreamboard kicks butt!
You are an inspiration to us all and I have added my manifestation energy to your dreams materializing!
I love your board.
i am always interested and excited to see what you're up to.
I need to start doing these dreamboards. However, I was told that it is best to create them during a new moon instead of a full moon. There are so many different schools of thought that I just might do it during a crescent moon just throw things off! : )
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