Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Self-Portrait Challenge ~ What I Wear

I'm really excited about this month's SPC: what I wear. Hopefully it will inspire me to make progress on my apparently never-ending project of renovating my wardrobe. In the past few months I've finally been making some real progress. This is one of my "Jamie is ready for anything" outfits. (Hmm, isn't that funny. Yesterday I wrote about my common negative self-talk being "Jamie, you're not ready.") In this outfit I feel that I can meet with a client, run a workshop, go for coffee or out for drinks. I could also sit on the floor or sit cross-legged at my desk (though I might slip the boots off)

I never want my clothes to get in the way. As a very "in my body" person, I don't like anything restrictive and won't tolerate anything that causes pain. (Yes, the boots I'm wearing are incredibly comfortable) And I don't want what I'm wearing to stop me from saying an enthusiastic "yes!" to a spontaneous invitation or opportunity. I love clothes that can take me anywhere. Well, anywhere that I'd want to go.


Misty said...

thank you! i don't like anything I wear to be uncomfortable either and I know a lot of girly girls who think that is just ridiculous.
you look fantastic and proved them wrong!

Shannon said...

Great pic Jamie! I so agree, I like the 'ready for anything' idea too. I can't wait to see your SPC's this month, I'm excited to do this one as well (although mine for this week is much more indoor!).

Melanie Margaret said...

You look great Jamie! Yes like you are ready for anything!

Anonymous said...

I like the dichotomy between yesterday's post and today's. But, you know, isn't that how it always works? One minute you're self-deprecating, the next you're self-affirming, and it's a constant ebb and flow of internal emotion that's both incontrollable and unpredictable.

The human mind's funny that way.

Suzie Ridler said...

You look FABULOUS! I love the outfit and it is so YOU! You really are a rock star Jamie, all the time.

You gotta tell me who makes those boots, I love them and am totally impressed they're comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Another Jamie! Saw you on NaBloPoMo and had to stop by because you have a great name :]

Anonymous said...

Nice photo - I love the feel of it all.


Vedrana M. said...

great photo, you look cool :) and i love how you love clothes that can take you anywhere, xoxo

Anonymous said...

Great look...made even better by your description of the INTENT behind it. I'm much the same way re comfort...can no longer do restrictive.

Jana B said...

I love the way you think about your clothes... I don't like having to change clothes every time I change activities... 'only for work' clothes and 'only for shopping' clothes.

Maybe that is something I should look for when I shop for new clothes... clothes that are versitle!!!

I love how you dress to prepare yourself to face anything... does that get your mind ready to face anything as well??