What I love about our little patch of T.O.
- There's an art store within quick walking distance.
- There's a grocery store within quick walking distance.
- In the summer, there's a garden centre within quick walking distance.
- The subway is within quick walking distance (Clearly quick walking distance is meaningful to me)
- We have a park north of us we can walk to and in.
- We're a quick bus ride or a relatively long but enjoyable walk to the beach.
- A cool and yummy tapas restaurant has come into the 'hood.
- A cool coffee shop has opened up relatively close.
- When I go for a walk, I'm in a neighbourhood where I can look at houses.
- Value Village is a quick jaunt away.
- I know a community of Nia teachers in the 'hood.
- We're 2 subway stops from a restaurant we like to hang out at.
- We're 1 subway stop from a great breakfast place.
- We're a 15-minute ride to Yonge & Bloor (central spot in T.O.)
- We can go to the movies in the Beaches.
- I've come to know the Beaches neighbourhood better.
- We have a garden.
- We have a guest room.
- We have our own laundry.
- We've built some nice memories into our house.
- We're learning to become homeowners (slowly, very slowly).
- We can afford our house.
It's funny because recently I've actually been feeling a bit discouraged about our house and how much there is to learn and do. And then for this post I was looking at pictures from when we moved in, like the one I'm sharing here which is of the early days of my studio. And in the pictures I saw how far we had come, and that was a treat. I look forward to more progress and more love.
* Interestingly just after I'd written this post I came across Michelle's lovely invitation to share posts that were really important to us that received less attention, less comments, than we had hoped. Immediately I knew the post for me was the one about how deeply I missed downtown living. When I read it I see that my pain is really in between the lines. I'm glad that today I can also celebrate some things about where I am now.
Wow. You're really on top of this NaBloPoMo thing, aren't you? I've been really late the last few nights, but school's also been crazy.
Additionally, it's good that you're happy in your house! When I moved off for school, my parents almost immediately sold their house and moved into a rent house while they built a new one. No sooner had I left than I lost the only place I knew as home. Their new house is growing on me, but I've moved into a house with some roommates, and this place feels more like home every day.
thanks for the super sweet comment!
it's nice to feel happy in your place right now. ;-D
I love your house Jamie! I love what you've done with it and really put the Jamie sparkle into it. I'm glad you're feeling more at home there now and there are so many benefits to that area and I really like it there.
I'd love to see an 'after' photo. That's a beautiful space...trying to picture how it could have been much improved (you said it as the early days). Gratitude is always a good and healthy thing...since it brings us right to the PRESENT. And as the old 12-step cliche goes, the reason it's called that is because it's a GIFT.
This is such a great post with a meaningful message--we all need to stop every once in a while and appreciate what we have and the work and time it took to get there. I really needed this reminder this week. Thank you!
wanted to say
thanks for the sweet comment
you left on my blog
(although i certainly hope
that you meant cry figuratively,
and not that i really made you cry!)
and just from reading this one
post, i know i will be back...
plus we have the same taste in music, i think...
there are many great things about your home :) enjoy! xoxo
YAY for celebrating where you are now! I've always felt your home (this one, as well as others!) always feels like a place of ease and beauty whether it be flowers on the table, or the cool savvy window dressing or an easy to reach blanky by the couch. It's always felt warm and inviting to me! And.. there is always tea :)
oh, jamie! you're little corner of the world is so beautiful! light and airy and look at those big windows! and artwork! and your cat! and the book sitting on the desk! i love it. it is an artist's home, if i ever saw one. ;)
Oh, your home and neighborhood sounds lovely! And so jealous that you can walk to an art store ;)
WOW! You have Value Village there??? We have those here too!!! Lovely place!
I'm happy that you are learning to love your new home, and see all the good in it! :)
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