Hi everybody. I wanted to apologize for my unscheduled absence, especially for the lack of a Success Principle post on Monday. This week was the start of term for Nia, plus I've had a bit of an emotional roller coaster going on, plus I appear to have lost a piece of a molar. Considering my intense phobia of dentists, this is proving a bit like living through Fear Factor. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have it attended to.
I have every intention of being here next week. In the meantime, have a beautiful weekend.
PS Isn't this a funny picture of Jinx? I caught her just as she was about to meow. You know, I don't feel nearly as guilty posting silly pictures of the Jinx-meister as I would if it was my cat Bascha. Bascha is all about dignity. Jinx, not so much.

oh, i'm sorry to hear about your tooth, jaime!! ((hugs))
love the kitty pic. :-)
cool photos!
i hope all will be fine for you, take care :)
Hey Jamie,
sorry for the interruptus, I'll happy to catch up when you get to posting again. I hope for smooth sailing for you!
ps, love that top pic - It's like Jinx is saying 'Attention please!!!'
I hope those kitties give you lots and lots of love until your world returns to normal and balance is restored. And lots of love from me as well! ;)
Oh no! That's awful Jamie. I know exactly that awful feeling with your tooth and I'm sorry to hear about all the other stuff as well. I hope you're feeling better soon!
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