This month's theme at Self-Portrait Challenge is "on the street." I was thinking street, urban when I decided to snap this shot of myself at the subway. It totally cracked me up to see the content of the ad behind me. I hadn't noticed it at all before. A little bit of graphic urban natural on the street. And that combo of cityscape and natural beauty showed up for me a bit later in the day as I was out at IKEA, near a construction site and saw this spectacular sky ~

As well as SPC I'm participating in Michelle's Month of Me, doing something on each day in May to nurture my self and my soul. Today I there were definitely a couple of highlights. My planned treat today was to go out at lunch and buy the new edition of my new favourite mag, Motto. I can't to see what great ideas and inspiration are between the covers, especially since I saw the word "coaches" on the cover!
And then some spontaneous soul-nurturing came at the invitation of my husband today. We were at IKEA. Now, if you've ever had the IKEA experience, you know that it isn't always exactly nuturing! But we had put a few things on their big dolly carts and were heading out when Justin looked at me mischeivously and said, "Climb on!" And I did. I stood on that cart and he wheeled me up to the cash. We laughed the entire way. Man, I love my husband! It's wonderful to experience soul-nuturing in a relationship too!
How are you going to nuture yourself today?
What a wonderful day you had! That is so neat that your hubby wheeled you around. Isn't it fun to act like kids sometimes? I think so... :)
How fun and cool is your husband! Glad (very!!!) to hear your day was full of adventure!
What a great post! I love that nature snucks its way onto the subway and your photograph and the sky above such an industrial sky was so magnificent. And that you had so much fun!
Ikea...love Ikea. Jumping on that cart must have been like jumping up and down on your bed as a kid. :D
You should've been a rock star. Oh, wait a minute...YOU ARE!!!
Dang, I love that photo! It feels good to be visiting you again. I've beeen away from your blog for waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long and I've missed you!!! You are in my thoughts often though...don't let my lack of comments fool you!
this comment has a lot of exclamation points (sorry about that)--but it just feels so good to read your words and see you photos! :)
love ya,
I love your SPC! You're outside, wait no.. underground... wait, no... but there is grass and flowers... So tongue-in-cheek. So Jamie.
This is a fun SPC! Also, I am participating in Michelle's M.O.M. I'll check back to see how yours is coming along! :)
interesting portrait :) and the sky on the second photo is just amazing!
i love this photo of you...beautiful!
and congratulations on teaching your first nia class!!!
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