Thursday, February 09, 2006

Another Round of Tag!

It's tag time again! Thanks for tagging me, Meg! Thanks for tagging Meg, Alexandra!

What were three things when you were little you wanted to be when you grew up?

  • A dancer
  • An actor
  • A gypsy

You can live one day over again from your childhood. What day will it be?

  • When I grew up in Roxboro, there was an event every summer called Roxboro Day. It involved kids play-day activities during the day, fireworks once it got dark and a street dance when the fireworks over. Every year we went home after the fireworks. Every year I dreamed of going to the dance. In the very last year we lived there, my parents let me go back to the dance all by myself. I was 11 years old. It was magical and fun and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

You have two minutes (and a mover with you if you need heavy lifting help!) to grab 5 things from your home before it morphs into a polka dotted hobgblin and hops away. What will you take? (Food/drink/family/friends excluded!) (I'm assuming family includes pets because my cats would be a must!)

  • My photos
  • My journals
  • My computer (with all files intact)
  • My iPod
  • My OSHO zen tarot cards

You have to paint one quote on your kitchen wall. What's it going to be?

  • The wind is a woman, and she dances. Lorna Crozier.

What is one thing you want to have accomplished by the end of this year? (Oh, my it is really hard to put only 1. I'm a goal-setting fanatic. Okay, 3. I'll stick with 3.)

  • Throw a dance party
  • Complete my coaching certification
  • Take my Nia blue belt

You are moving to the moon for one year and can only bring one flower with you. What kind will you bring?

  • A white orchid.

You just received word that aside from one flower, you can also bring five books with you too! Your choices? (And I'm going to sneak a pen with me)

  • Lord of the Rings (I'm with Meg on this one)
  • A journal
  • A book of poetry
  • An instructional book on drawing (Drawing on the Left Side of the Brain or A Natural Way to Draw)
  • The Artist's Way


And anyone else that is wants to play, please, join in! The more the merrier!


meghan said...

Heh heh heh, a few people have written Lord of the Rings - we should all have a LoTR reading group - but does it count since we all chose it just because it was the biggest book we could think of - heh heh heh!!

I love how much of a dancer you really are! So many of your answers revolved around that. Do you get to dance much?
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Suzie Ridler said...

I miss Roxboro Day too! It was one of my favourite moments in life ever, I've been looking for that kind of sense of community ever since.

I love your list Jamie! You are so magickal and artistic and it really shows.

Hey, what's tagging?

Jamie said...

Tagging means "now you're it" and have to answer the questions too :)

Claudia said...

I used to love dressing up as a gypsy, I´d forgotten about that!
That fair sounds amazing too!
I think I add another part to that question about the moon...I would take you, Meg, Laini, Alexandra and Jorth with me! I´m sure we´d have a great time.

Frankie said...

What a great list! I love getting to know these details about you, and I absolutely adore the quote you picked. How lovely! Thanks for this!