This week's Figment assignment asked who you would thank if you won an Oscar. Around here the Oscars are quite a big deal. One of my sisters is a film nut, as you can see if you visit Planet Shannon, and generally once the nominations are out (which is tomorrow, by the way), we get to as many as we can as quickly as we can! And a dear friend of our's throws a swanky affair for the night itself, complete with red carpet.
Writing my speech also reminded me of the meaningful experiences I have had in theatre. When I was in grad school studying drama, I sure spent more time exploring the stage than the library. I often say that everything I needed to know I learned from theatre, and I've been meaning to start compiling a list. So today, I'll make a start.
Everything I needed to know, I learned from Theatre
- You can make magic out of nothing.
- A dingy basement can become a sacred space.
- Always smile and connect to people when you meet them.
- Be professional whether or not you're being paid.
- Do what needs to be done.
- Believe in people, and they will share something amazing.
- If it's honest, it's interesting.
- Everything's better if you get to go out for beer afterwards.
- Celebrate everything.
- Be brave.
- Share yourself.
- Challenges and hard work mix well with laughter.
- Everyone wants to be included.
- Dress to the nines!
Hey Jamie!
I really enjoyed your Oscar speech! When I was younger I did every play going - sometimes four a year in high school! I loved it so much. I even got an award in a festival. It's funny how something that mattered so much to you can fall by the wayside.
I think you've inspired me to try to get my 'act together' (har har har) and find out where the community theatre is around here. Thank you so much!
Have a fantastic day!!
Oh I love this! I used to be really involved in the theatre, but it's been a while. This post made me realize how much I miss it. It renkindled all of those feelings about how greatly I love it, and I can't thank you enough for sparking that within me. Thanks so much!
Thankyou for the list...there are so many basic things there that I tend to forget as I go about my day. I have stuck your list on my bathroom mirror so I am reminded!
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