And without a doubt, anything from the glorious Christine Mason Miller is a treasure. Her creative sass invited me into the blogosphere and the more I get to know her, the more she inspires me to the core. She's one of those people that makes you believe that it's simply a matter of fact that you can grow wings, so why don't you get started on that flying thing?
Every day I will be inspired by Christine, because this work of art will always be a reminder that...
What a wonderful gift!! So special!! You're both super awesome. :-)
What an awesome gift! You ARE on a journey!!!
Jamie, as you so often remind us, it's glorious for you also, to have a constant reminder of what lies ahead if we will just trust and leap into life. No one deserve such a nice gift more.
That is SO awesome!!
I loved getting it all packed up for you. I'm so glad you like it. You are on a journey, and I am honored to be a tiny part of it. xoxo
Starshyne and Swirly, you ladies are just too cute! I love it.
I am just joining this so forgive me for seeming a bit unfamiliar. But I laughed (and therefore I loved) that Starshyne "had to" put on that bow.
And I loved (and therefore I laughed) that Swirly sent such a simple yet deeply profound (and complicated, but happily so) little gift.
This has got to be the sweetest little posts ever. (I arrived here via Starshyne's tweet.)
I am going to go work on that flying thing now.
Thanks, Ladies. (Tears blur my eyes.)
what a wonderful present. loved the wrapping too! made a perfect headband ;)
What a great gift! You deserve it. =)
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