How was your week?
Project 365 is my attempt to capture a year in my life through a photograph a day. On Saturday's I'll post the week's pics. At the end of the year, I'll create a video of all these precious moments. Feel free to participate at any time. Yours can be Project 347 or Project 292. It's up to you. See the results of my Project 365 ~ 2008 here.
I really should start project 365! I so enjoy seeing yours and Shannon's and now Suzie's too! It's really quite a lovely time-capsule exercise. The Sweet Sixteen Candy Rave sounds like great fun! :)
Wow you're a cute lil busy bee!
Encouragement box - I need to make one of those to combat this mind of mine. UGH!
We took our lovely tree down too. It's sad to see it go, but ours will be making a return in the spring as yard art. ;)
We decided to leave our tree up until Chinese New Year. We just can't bear to part with the lights yet. :)
Love the encouragement box.
I'm so happy I was able to find a quiet moment to read your post. It was a calming and inspiring event.
My week has been mind-blowing. I can't wait to see what next week brings.
Awesome post Jamie! I was so looking forward to seeing how your first week of the year went :)
I just posted mine as well
great things :) i agree about the tree..and i want to know more about encouragement box :))
I'll write a thing to do list and then I'll misplaced.
But it does help me and if I get 80% done I feel life is going peachy creamy.
But it sure looks like 09 is a good start for you and it been going well for me.
Coffee is on.
ooohhh i LOVE seeing your fabulous photos for your project 365!!!! so fabulous in fact i'm thinking about participating... thank you jamie for showing us little glimpses of your magical life!!!
OH oh oh!!! encouragement box!!! i can't wait to hear more about that!!! hee hee!!!
peace and love to you!!!
Inspired by your blog, I also decided to join project 365, here are my first two weeks:
And you know, it's not that easy as I thought. It turned out that some of the working days tend to be just... ordinary!?! wow, what a finding!
As soon as you realize it (that there seems to be nothing remarkable today) you understand the need to change smth in your life.
You get your better-life-checklist and start doing things you always wanted to!
So this project 365 is a great motivation for me.
Thanks!! :)
That's an amazing week! You do so much Jamie. Sequins and sneakers, very cool, I love that idea although I'd show up in hiking boots.
I love this idea! It is great getting a little glimpse into your day to day life. I'm glad you liked the package!
Thanks for your comments! :)
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