The Process
- I started by brainstorming on a big piece of newsprint. I wrote down things I'm committed to and things that I'd like to make happen. I finished with 16 goals and one over-riding vision statement (which turned into the picture you see above).
- Taping together index cards, I made 16 squares ready to become Vision Cards. I wrote the goal on the back of the card.
- Next I let my intuition guide me in collecting pictures for each of the goals. If my spirit said the image belonged with that goal, I put it there, even if my rational brain didn't understand why.
- Finally I created collages with the found images.
One of the great gifts of this process is that I absolutely deepend my understanding of and commitment to these goals. When I look at them, I immediately plug into not just what my goals are but also why they are important to me, what passion drives them.
Many success gurus suggest that you create a list of your goals and review them every morning and every night. For me, going through these 16 cards is a delightful and meaningful way to accomplish connecting to my 2008 dreams for my work. And to make it even easier, I created this video. I'm loving it, and I still can't believe these are my professional goals. I can't wait to get to my personal goals too! Enjoy.
If you decide to create your own Vision Cards or Vision Video, let me know. I'd absolutely love to see it. May dreams come true in 2008!
:) brilliant!! i love this idea ... you are such an inspiration!! xox
Those collages are awesome, Jamie! Wishing you a wonderful 08!
hi hi hi! thank you for visiting me and so nice to finally meet you! hey i LOve your collage video how very very inspiring and cool! thanks for sharing...hey i would like to talk to you some time! i am exploring life coaching and the like....hhhhmmm.
well happy new year and best wishes and i hope to talk to you soon!!
Vision Cards! Soooo cool. That is way more fun than just lists! Lists are good to of course! Thanks for sharing the slideshow!!
I got a surprise day off work today, and I decided to take the opportunity to make my own. I ended up with six of them, and I'll see if I can scan them and post them. This was a totally inspiring idea. Thanks :)
Jamie, I loved every second of this video! Your Vision Cards are beautiful and intuitive and inspiring. You make me excited for Circe's Circle to begin! :)
And I love the blogs you linked to. Thanks for sharing! :)
I guess my original comment didn't go through yesterday so I just have to resend something b/c I must let you know how much I enjoyed this post. Your vision cards are so vibrant, inspiring and full of power and energy. So you! I know you will manifest all this goodness in 2008. Love your video, too. I will be creating my own sometime this month, too. You constantly inspire me. Thanks.
So amazing! Where do you find these images Jamie? I have to start getting those magazines, LOL. Normally I can't find any I like but I love ALL of yours! I think collaging your goals is wonderful and I really get a focused idea of what it is you want too. It's a fantastic glimpse into your vision and wow, it's impressive to see.
I came by via Melba's blog. These are so inspiring - a beautiful synthesis of much of the best thinking I've encountered about how to set and hold intention for a new year. Have you encountered SoulCollage?
oops. Deleted the first attempt because I'd neglected to wish you the very best with all of your work in 2008. May it be a year of wonder for you.
Hi Jamie, Very inspirational!! I also loved the music in your video. Who was it? Best wishes for 2008:)
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