I'm thrilled to say that this weekend I launched the pilot for my new workshop, Picture This! It's an interactive collage workshop designed to get you in touch with your self and what you're yearning for. We spent the morning with images, scissors, glue and good company exploring and sharing our inner landscapes.

The feedback has been great and I'm so proud to have finally put out into the world something I've been envisioning for years! Now, I'm just going to do a little tweaking, offer another beta test and then I'm off and running, seeing where this vision will take me and all of those who participate!

that's sounds so great, jaime!! i need to work up the guts to do a collage workshop of my own.
Congratulations Jamie! I know this is something that has been brewing in you for ages. I was thrilled to be a beta babe for it :)
Yay! And I love the title! Looking forward to watching this seed grow BIG! ;)
wow, i love it!!! :)
wow, that sounds amazing!
YEAH you! this is fantastic!
Congratulations to you, Jamie! This is wonderful! I have the feeling that the world is really going to start opening up for you in some big ways. It's happening. Right now.
I love it! :)
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