I read a few blogs that were committed to not using memes to get them through NaBloPoMo. I found I had so much to write about that I'm totally behind in some cool memes. So expect some meme-a-liciousness soon. And if you like memes, join the party! I found this Meme at I Have Rocks in My Head and thought the questions were cool so joined in. Ahem, I do realize the answer reveal some of my rather eclectic tastes.
8 Things
8 Things I'm Passionate About
- The arts belong to everybody
- Dancing
- Beauty
- Self-Development
- My husband
- Home
- Equality
- Non-Violence
8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die
- Feel at home
- Be a success in my field
- Make a difference
- Travel
- Perform
- Have a summer to just relax, the kind of summers I had as a kid
- Put on my multidisciplinary performance piece
- Savour my life
8 things I say often
- So, what's on our agenda today?
- Let's do it.
- You can do it!
- I'm busy.
- Ooh, I love that!
- I love you.
- OMG, look at this!
- Thank you.
8 books I’ve read recently
- Kitchen Table Wisdom - Rachel Remen
- Pushing Ice - Alistair Reynolds
- Stretching Lessons - Sue Bender
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling
- Ask & It is Given - Esther and Jerry Hicks
- Growing a Business - Paul Hawken
- The Places that Scare You - Pema Chodron
- Never Eat Alone - Keith Ferrazzi
8 Songs I could listen to over and over
- Tether - Indigo Girls (I could have made this entire list Indigo Girls songs)
- Heal Over - KT Tunstall
- Shadow of the Season - Screaming Trees
- Verbal - Amon Tobin
- Overture: Hero - Hero Soundtrack
- Sundown - Gordon Lightfoot
- Whisper to a Scream - Icicle Works
- Proud - Heather Small
8 things that attract me to my best friends
- Sensitivity
- Lovingness
- Engagedness
- Passion
- Authenticity
- Goodness
- Thinking (They have interesting thoughts and opinions to share)
- Integrity
And I had so much fun thinking about the songs that I'd thought I'd add a little bonus one.
NOOOOO WAAAAAY!!!! (Great minds think alike.) :) I commented on your previous post...and then I saw Suzie's comment there and thought, gee, I don't read her blog, so let me go see what she's up to...so I did. But then I forgot that you had a more recent post, so I checked in at Twitter and saw Momster's request for Christmas songs. So I went to YouTube to find the song I most like to hear at Christmas and Twittered the YouTube to link to it. And then I suddenly remembered I hadn't finished reading your posts so I came back to this one...and when I clicked on your video and saw Take 6 I had to laugh... What I Twittered was Take 6's "Mary Don't You Weep." :)
Great meme!! I don't think I've seen this on my blogtravels! I love the Take 6 vid, oh my goodness I dont' think I've seen that one in years!!
Thanks for sharing Jamie!!! I may just have to participate in this one!
I haven't seen this meme before either. I love all your answers and I hope you are able to feel at home as soon as possible. You definitely need to perform too for sure. A lot of the things you say are so positive too, encouraging and helpful. I like some of the titles of the books you're reading and don't know a lot of the authors. I love Sue Bender, I need to read her again.
I love that video! I had totally forgotten about it, thank you for that reminder.
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