Circe’s Circle
Bringing Creativity to Life
Start 2008 with bringing a creative project to life!
Start 2008 with bringing a creative project to life!

For 12 Mondays starting January 21st certified life coach Jamie Ridler will be leading Circe’s Circle, a weekly tele-circle designed to support Creative Bloggers in moving creative dreams forward.
Circe’s Circle is ideal for:
- People yearning to bring a creative project or dream to life
- People wanting to make their creativity their priority
- People who want to connect with a community of independent, creative dreamers and believers
- You!
Benefits of participating in the Circe’s Circle include:
- Having a professional life coach guide you through the sometimes rough waters of bringing your dreams to life
- Weekly connection with your creative spirit and that of others
- Drawing on the wisdom and encouragement of the group
- Having a forum to discuss common blocks (such as time, money, space, confidence) and solutions
- Having a structure to keep you on track and moving forward towards your dreams
- Having a group to celebrate your progress with
The Details
Dates: Monday January 21st to Monday April 7
Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. EST
Place: Connect from wherever you are to the teleconference
Cost: $300 for the series plus your long-distance charges
Size: This group is limited to 6 participants.
To sign up or to find out more, please contact Jamie at 416-696-9454 or
This is going to be an amazing opportunity, I just know it! I can't wait to see who joins in this special creative endeavour and friendship.
i wish i could. but i'm not near enough. i will, however, join in creating from afar. ;)
You know I think this is a fabulous idea!
You are so inspiring to me!
I tagged you to write about your Creative Dreams (if you want)
Whoohoo! Congrats for putting this out there, Jamie! What a fantastic idea and I know it will be wonderful and helpful and inspiring. What a gift you're sharing.
There's a huge smile coming from my direction. Can you see it?
:) (it's bigger than that!)
I'm giving this some serious thought, my dear.
I am seriously thinking about this, but I have some questions. I'll email you. :)
Wow Jamie!! This is amazing!! I can't commit to this coming up, but I'm excited for you and I hope you'll run it again in the future when I CAN commit and be involved!! :)
Blogger timed out on me...I'll try again... This sounds wonderful! (And I was telling you that my mother once had a cat she loved dearly named Circe.) ;)
I haven´t had time to really think about this - I think it´s a fabulous idea!
sounds wonderful, i wish i could...
I love your concept; beautiful image and myth. Good luck in your venture.
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