Have you been noticing how many people are going through a rough patch right now? I'm seeing it in the lives of those around me, on blogs and in my own life. The funny thing is that it doesn't seem to be meaningless chaotic struggling or random emotional scribbling. It seems like a shift, the uncomfortableness that comes as you realize that things are changing, that you are changing.
Maybe I'm projecting because so much is transforming in my own life. I feel like I'm becoming a new phase of me, if that makes any sense. And my commitment to this transformation is taking shape in my choices and my investments.
One of the things I am choosing to invest in is myself. Check out the new haircut above! This feels like a pretty dramatic change to me. And this spunky new style is bringing out my inner rock star! And I am thrilled to say that I had that amazing experience of going to a stylist with an idea and her adding to it, suggesting things, seeing something about me. I am so thankful for that.
Another thing that I'm investing in is my work. And I say that instead of "my business" because my work encompasses all that I want to accomplish in the world, the way that I want to express myself creatively, the way that I want to encourage others to do the same, the way that I want to remind people that the are born to dance with their bodies and their spirits. And my latest investment is this sweet baby:

Ooooh, aaaah....I just got this laptop yesterday. And today I am writing this post, sitting in my bedroom. Isn't that glorious? I am loving being able to work everywhere (though for someone who finds it hard to remember to take a break, I see this is an area I have to pay attention to) and the look and feel fo this machine. I put my hands on so many laptops in the past while it's a little obcene! But I absolutely had to have a sensory and visceral connection, and with this one I do. The only thing is that it does have a bit of a whine to it, and so I have to decide how I want to deal with that. Maybe she just needs some love!
Anyway, enough of my gushing. What I'm trying to say is that during this rocky patches, the time when you're on your path and suddenly the waters get really, really rough, it`s useful to really put your energy into those things that you know are in the direction you`re headed, even if those things are few and far between. So if all of life feels confusing, but you know you're partner is right for you, ground yourself in spending time with them, loving them up. Or if you know that you are an artist but haven't a clue what you're going to do about that, ground yourself in the process of creation. Sink your feet into what you know belongs to you. The storm will pass. You will move forward. And you will be supported by what you love.
Gratz Jamie!!! Those are both really amazing steps and great pics :)
Loving that gorgeous new look, Jamie! The haircut is superb - it really suits you :)
Thank you for this post, Jamie. I'm going to read it a few times, to let it sink in...
Love the laptop, too - one of those is on my list of things to get to keep me going in the right direction...
Enjoy! :)
This is definitely a good hair cut. I can picture it with gel on the ends to make the ends look kind of pointy- and you in a hot little black dress with blood red lips.
Very nice.
Oh Jamie, you look FANTASTIC! What a great look for you, fun and funky, I just adore it. That laptop is fantastic too, good for you! This will help you out so much, you are a mobile person who needs freedom of movement, smart choice in investments.
I bought beading and art supplies today, that's my investment in me. It's hard not to feel guilty but I'm working on that. Thanks for the inspiration!
You look like the most beautiful version of Patti Smith I have ever seen! But BETTER because you're Jamie...and Jamie is even MORE beautiful than Patti Smith! (and probably a hell of a lot healthier too!)
I also love the image you have on your shiny new laptop. :) And thanks for the advice. It is good...and it's exactly what I needed, me thinks!
I just want you to know that I'm sending you a whole lot of love. Reading your blog makes me feel good.
I love that haircut! And what a beautiful post...I felt and needed EVERY word.
And now I am off to work on my novel because YOU inspired me. :)
It´s really quite simple...I have felt the shift too and feel good in my skin. It really is a matter of concentration and seeing all the wonderful things that make the rotten things seem smaller and smaller in comparison. Love the hair cut!
Yay!! New haircuts are so fun! Yours is SO cute!
There is a lot of change - I feel it too! I'm not sure what that means for me yet! We shall see!
LoveLoveLOVE the new hairstyle! You look fab!!
you look beautiful ...
i love hearing about your continuing investment in yourself and how this journey is going for you.
it inspires me!
ahhh thanks ! I am confused and lost ~ I know what is going on out there in the ether, well kind of but I struggle constantly to the point of thinking i am insane. I will ground with those things that help me xoxo
oh, it's great - new look :)
Great haircut, embrace your inner rock chick. It's fabulous.
And what a great machine. I can imagine you must be feeling really excited about the freedom a laptop brings. Enjoy :)
Jamie, as Melba said, you are a rock star, AND you're an inspiration. You are gifted at both reflection and transformation (and all the other good "tion"s, too!)
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