Saturday, June 03, 2006


Whenever I've mentioned studying Nia, people ask me for more information about it. So I thought I'd write post providing some info that might be interesting and/or helpful.

Nia is a holistic fitness and lifestyle practice that blends dance arts, martial arts and healing arts. It is based on the premise that through movement we find health and that healing and pleasure come from following the body's way, your body's way. Nia's philosophy encourages you to embrace yourself, using the experience of movement to learn about your self, your body and to guide you to wellness.

Recently my teacher, Martha Randall, was interviewed by the Toronto Star, and I just love her description of Nia: "Nia is teaching that kind of mindful movement. There's a balance between form and freedom. Always the invitation is to do it your way, the way your body wants to adapt to the movements."

I came across Nia two years ago at the Yoga Show in Toronto. I saw a demonstration class and found myself weeping. It spoke to me in such a deep way. The class was full of all different kinds of people joyfully moving together and yet in celebration of their uniqueness. The instructor encouraged the audience to participate in any way, even if just moving your toes or your hands. It was alive, and it was joyful. I was hooked.

I believe so deeply that dancing brings us to life. It reminds us that we are living, breathing, sensual beings. When we dance, our blood courses through our bodies shaking up anything stagnant - old energy, old thoughts, old patterns, old baggage - and gives us an opportunity to release and make room for the new. Are you ready to move?
  • Nia does have one DVD available called Global Unity. You can order it here.
  • Find out of there's a class near you here.
  • If you're in Canada, you can check out classes here.
  • There is a book, The Nia Technique, but I would recommend it primarily as an adjunct to your classes not in lieu of them.

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Note: All pictures property of The Nia Technique.


Anonymous said...

Hi Starshyne, Gosh I love the name of your blog. I heard of Nia awhile ago and researched it and plan to go to NYC sometime in the near future to explore it more. In the meantime, doing it with a dvd.
Another excellent intergrative dance method comes to us courtesy of Gabrielle Roth, "Sweat Your Paryers." She runs classes in NYC too.
Namaste to you!

Claudia said...

I wish it were possible to take classes here in Austria! It sounds so amazing.