Thank you, Melba, for creating this meme and for tagging me for it! The day that I read about it a water pipe near our home burst. My husband got me out of bed at 2 am to see. It was amazing - 50' of water just reaching for the sky. I thought - yeah, that's why it's good to get these things you don't like out of your system! No bursting! I wish I could have taken a picture to accompany this post!
Instead I'm sharing my poor little plants that got thrashed by some roofers who tossed all sorts of building garbage on top of them. I went out and had a talk with them, (the roofers, not the flowers. Okay, I'm referring to the roofers, but I did also talk to my flowers) but as we had a language barrier all they seemed to understand was that I wanted their stuff moved, not that I could have wept for my little side garden. As they weren't in a rush to save my little beauties, I donned some work gloves and got out there myself. Sometimes even a geranium needs you to be a hero, hehe.
20 Things I don't Like
- Callousness
- Brussel sprouts
- Black Forest Cake
- All the -isms (sexism, racism, homophobia...)
- Being tired but wired
- Violence
- People who come to a movie late and sit right in front of you
- When people leave as soon as a performance is over, not taking the time to applaud
- Making mistakes in front of other people
- The guilt inspired by unfinished projects
- Having my movement constricted
- Shellfish (eating them that is. I have nothing against them as creatures)
- Clutter
- How weak my hands have become
- Assumptions
- Feeling trapped
- Not knowing the next step
- Restrictive clothing (except corsets. I like corsets)
- Maliciousness
- Practical jokes
Now, I am not up to date with my reading, so if I tag you and you've already done it, please note #9 and forgive me. And if you want to do it, dive in - the more the merrier. I tag Suzie, Shannon, Claudia and Laini.
Those poor flowers! Good for you for being their hero Jamie, I'm sure they appreciated it. (I talk to my herb garden all the time, we are good friends.)
Thanks for tagging me. I really enjoyed coming up with the list and the fact that it was such a challenge. Fascinating!
tired but Wired. that is totally what happens to me. I have never put those two words together before.
Now that is a refeshing list!! I liked reading about those parts of you!!
And I agree with you on the shellfish!!!
Brussels sprouts are absolutely divine if you buy them fresh and slice them and then saute them in good olive oil. Very very good served over rice.
Fun meme -- I'll probably take the tag challenge some time this week, after I mull and sort my dislikes. I'm with you on the movie one and the people not applauding, like by skedaddling they're going to beat the crowd and get home 5 minutes sooner! Not so with you on shellfish and black forest cake. Yum and yum.
Hey Jamie,
Thanks for the comment on my little poem!
Looking through your list, I was trying to think of any harmless "-isms" and can only come up with "Jetism"!! :)
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