Congratulations to Megg and Lainie for creating a new and wonderful happening - Sunday Scribblings. Each Sunday they're going to share a writing prompt. This week it's "What would you attempt if you knew you wouldn't fail?"
This week I had a great epiphany about failing. I completed my certification exam. And thank you everyone for all your kind words and support. It really meant a lot to me. I felt supported and encouraged. After the exam, for the first time in my life I realized that there were only 2 outcomes: either I passed or I have more to learn. That's it. What a freeing belief that is! And in that spirit, I'll have a go at this week's prompt.
What would I attempt if I knew I wouldn't fail?
The two things that immediately come to mind are going to art school and also putting on my multi-disciplinary performance piece based on a well-known and exquisite tale. Both of these have been on my radar for a long time, and I have made only micromovements towards them. I've been creating more space and time for my creative self, and these are the two big aims for me in this area, along with continuing to broaden my skills, knowledge and media I can work with and providing myself with opportunities for inspiration and the self-care I need to feel nurtured.
I would start teaching Nia and continue in my studies of it until I attained my black belt. My focus would be working with people who don't feel like they can dance but long to and people who want to get their bodies moving and enjoy it but need a safe and comfortable place to do so.
I would run a centre designed to provide people with new and fun experiences that would also enhance their self-awareness. One day the exploration might be baking; the next, fingerpainting; the next, drumming; the next, bellydancing. This would all take place in a big and beautiful home in the either the Annex or the College Street neighbourhood of Toronto.
And the coolest thing is I can feel some new ideas niggling at me. It's like they are little fishes deep in the water, and I can just catch a glimpse as they swish by. I'm very curious what they will be when they decide to reveal themselves.
I would go on more adventures.
Hi Jamie! What I love about this question is that it can make us face that thing which we know we want to do but feel is too big, too risky, too expensive, whatever. I love seeing you say flat out you want to go to art school - it took me some time to come to that statement, and the trip from the realization to getting there was considerably shorter! Also very intrigued by your performance piece, and the idea for the creativity center - sounds so fun! So glad you participated!
Congratulations on getting through your exams and taking failure out of the equation. It is so much better to be able to say "I may have more to learn." As for what you're thinking of manifesting...sounds totally within the realm of possibility. Go for it!
Yay! YOU! For completing your exam and for joining in the writing & for being so brave! I can't wait to come to one of your classes!
There is so much energy in this post - you are a generous and amazing person and I´m sure you will achieve whatever you dream of.
Sounds to me like you some really amazing and totally possible to accomplish dreams. I encourage you to follow through because your energy and skill needs to be out there.
I like your dreams, and appreciate your sense that it is all a process.
I love the creative center idea! I can't wait to see it some day.
I love the ideas you have running around in your head--and it seems like we something in common (a desire for art school). I started out intending to write about that, but once the ideas started coming, I somehow ended up writing about travel. Funny how things are connected, how one idea leads to the next, to the next, to the next... I like that you wrote about several!
Reading your post reminds me of how happy I am to have discovered this creative, blogging community! So many amazing, insightful, enthusiastic people, brave enough to share their dreams and take the steps towards making them a reality! If (WHEN) you open that house, I will be there, ready to bake, fingerpaint, and bellydance! Thanks for making me smile today. And please keep us updated on what kind of ideas those little fish turn out to be!
I was about to seek out the website for your amazing creative center I so depserately wanted it to be real. I would love to make reservations for this weekend. Ive encountered you in many places and am so glad to finally come by your blog thanks to Sunday Scribblings. I can't wait to read more.
Hey Jamie!
I am simply mesmerized by everything that you have been doing! Very cool...
I look forward to finding you that big and beautiful home in the either the Annex or the College Street neighbourhood of Toronto! :)
love your ideas...
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