As you likely know, what I am creating is a brand new website, and the launch is tomorrow! I'm treating it like a big opening night party and I do hope you'll come and celebrate this new venture with me, this new and beautiful home for Wishcasting and for our Full Moon Dreamboards.
As a part of the celebration, I'll be having giveaways and also offering a 1-day only special on Your Creative Spark. I'll post the address on Wednesday, and if you're on my newsletter list, you'll receive an email invitation with all of the details.
May this be a powerful month for us all! May all of your dreams come true.
well this month I am focusing on my masculine aspects and my strength, power, MUSCLES! I want to assert myself more in many areas of my life...show my strength and power...(while remaining a woman)and then be ready to receive!
as Jamie wishes for herself, I wish for her also!
I can't wait to see your website - I can't wait to see what ELSE you come up with!!!
LOVE xoxo
My heart is with you in your new enterprise...I cannot wait to see what it is! Good luck, darling. We all know it's going to be a roaring success!
Excited & happy for you and this gorgeous transition you are in. The image of the elegant, powerful, elephant woman is holding true.
Such great joy to witness dreams coming to life.
I have been really busy but everything in time. This month I will be focusing on exercise and zen ... calming my mind and body. It is also my birthday month too so that will be quite busy.
I need calm before the crazy period of harvesting and storing comes in the autumn.
Can't wait to see you new website ... :)
thanks for all your hard work. It is really amazing what people come up with.
As Jamie wishes for herself, I wish for her also!
Jamie - your new website ROCKS!!!
It's l:30 am, but I'll be checking it out more thoroughly tomorrow!
Wishing you the best!
As Jamie wishes I wish for her also....I love the new website very clear, clean and creative. Welll done.
The theme of my dreamboard is letting go of fear. I hope you'll stop by and take a look.
As all of you wish for yourselves, I wish for you also. -- Linnea
I do hope everyone gets what they wish for, hope for, and dream of. Also, thank you for my introduction to dreamboards.
Mine's late this month, for which I apologize, but I decided to make it on my birthday and make it for a year instead of doing it on the full moon for just a month.
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