I promised to share my results and here they are:
(Note: I broke the rules and chose 5. Next time I'll stick with 3. I think it would allow greater awareness and experience of each. It's just, seriously, look at this list - I love it all!)
- Visiting with Sacred Suzie, we experienced something very special at the Beach. I'll leave it to her to share, if she'd like.
- Syncronicities have been showing up like crazy, in particular bringing the lovely Tara and I together. Two different people from entirely different worlds who had know idea that we knew each other suggested that Tara and I connect!
- I attended an event at a location that I had been considering doing some work out of but just didn't feel a connection to. When I left, I found a yellow dot sticker on my pants. In the context of workshop the yellow dot had symbolized "Caution." Now I know that space isn't right for me.
- There is a growing energy around the book blogging group for Soul Coaching that feels powerful and sacred. I can't wait to start.
- I met my financial target for this month.
- I was witness to many people effortlessly receiving new business.
- A new client signed up with me while I was sleeping.
- Having the "most talked about article" on Biznik last week for my article about networking.
- A friend sharing and celebrating with me that my article had been featured before I even knew it!
- Laura Howard West generously sharing my blog post with her readers.
- Suzie and I spent time with inks, paint, collage, magazines and altered books
- We visited a scrapbooking store and I saw some books that really inspired me.
- Sharing Nia this week I was struck by the way it makes room for people to express themselves.
- I continue to love and be inspired by creating a collage card daily. Recently I have started turning these into thank you cards.
- Working on my website architecture with Suzie, we discovered some categories to my work that made my heart sing.
- The wonder and beauty of fall is fully upon us. I've taken a million pictures of gorgeous leaves that have fallen on a variety of surfaces
- I saw a chandelier that knocked my socks off
- I was aware of the beauty in people's rough edges
- Spending time collaging, I noticed how much beauty I find in the glossy pages of magazines
- Doing some clean up and moving around in the garden, I was reminded of the beauty of each and every plant that now grows there.
- I experienced the beauty of family.
- A lot of the above has given me confidence. Positive responses to my article, sensing the flow of energy, the building of momentum, and reaching my financial targets all give me confidence that I'm heading in the right direction. Being aware of synchronicities gives me confidence that the Universe and I are in conversation and I'm able to hear her call.
- I was invited to be a leader for an upcoming online community. (More about that when it's official)
- I recognized a different side of confidence. I unexpectedly had to go have some dental work done this week and I noticed that my confidence in my dentist made it easier for me to cope.
This was truly a beautiful exercise and I encourage you to give it a try. Go out this week and look for magic or joy or abundance or grace or fun or vitality or adventure and see what you discover. If you do (and I know some of you said last week that you were going to), I'd love to hear about it.
I am a firm believer that if you put your intentions out into the world, nurture them with love, and give unconditionally, everything you want (and more) will be returned. You don't even have to believe that it will happen...it just will. : )
Beautiful! I especially love the fact that I was there for so many of your successes and insights and just love hearing about them. Yellow light for sure on that place! I can see the momentum growing all around you as a business, as a coach, as a Nia instructor...Jamie, you are a whirlwind of success, joy and energy.
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