Project 365 is my attempt to capture a year in my life through a photograph a day. On Saturday's I'll post the week's pics. At the end of the year, I'll create a video of all these precious moments. Feel free to participate at any time. Yours can be Project 347 or Project 292. It's up to you.
This week I made a couple of switcheroos because I've actually posted this week's memorable moments.
I believe in magic, love, truth and beauty. My work and play revolve around creative self-expression and self-development. I am committed to building a life that is true to my self and my gifts and that supports others in doing the same. I'm here to dance.
Great post Jamie! I love seeing the view of your week, some of those sights are very familiar and the others I'm curious about!
You have a collaged ball-shaped item!!!! I love him!!!! *impressed*
The other pics are cool too, but that is SO my fav.
It's always so sweet to see photos of you and Shannon together.
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