We love Bascha so dearly. She's been in my life for 15 years and though I did have rabbits, I consider her my first pet. I got her from the Humane Society when she was 3. She'd been found on the street and was so skinny we thought she was a kitten. She was missing all the fur on her back haunches and the Humane Society had decided they'd give her no more care. So I cared for her instead.
She's a scrapper. When I first got her she was a little wild, didn't like to be held and would bite you if touched her lower back. But over time she began to feel safe and we discovered that she was full of purrs and love and was deeply intuitive. She's tough enough that even when Jinx grew to twice her size, Bascha remained in charge. She fell in love with Justin the minute he came through the door, so I knew he was a keeper. Justin teases that she's just like me - all love and sweetness until you tick her off and then the fire comes out.
Tomorrow we'll get the results of her tests and then we'll make a decision about what to do next. If it's time to say goodbye, we'll spend the weekend loving her up and actually allowing her to have some tuna. Or maybe fries, she's got a thing for anything greasy. We're blessed for every day we've had with her. She's our beloved, which is what the word Bascha means.
awwwwwww ... what a lovely tribute to your beautiful bascha ... hugs
Oh Jamie! Bascha is so lovely. I'm sorry she is declining.
If you are interested, I'd love to mail you a ClayPaws print (from the company I work for) so you can have a paw print of her! Email me if you'd like me to send one your way!
I'm so sorry. What a sweety. I hope all her tests come back with good news. It's always difficult to give up a pet; but you know she'll be chasing bunnies up in kitty heaven.
I'm so sorry. I understand how you feel. I will keep my fingers crossed for good results and some more time with your dear friend.
She's such a great cat, the Bascha Bear. Even when she's scrappy you gotta love her.
Bascha is a darling creature and all the more special for her life story. These little furry souls bring so much to our lives it is sad to think they such short time spans that always leave us wanting more.
oh, sweet bascha bear--what a lovable scruffer, to be sure. i am ultra sensitive to your situation because my old man cat is growing older also. he was also my first pet--oh, i hate to think of when that day comes. love is wrapped up in so many packages--our beloved cats being some of most beautiful--even in all their scruffiness.
kisses for bascha and hugs for you.
What a beautiful cat Bascha is! It's so hard to let go, isn't it? I had my first cat only for 4 months last summer when we had to find a new home for her and that really broke my heart already, let alone 15 years. I hope the tests came back positively and that you can enjoy her company a little longer.
hugs up to you jamie. i've been through the same thing twice in the last few years. for me it was heartberak and gratitude all mixed into a tender mess.
Oh no! Oh no. Jamie. I'm so sorry. I didn't know about this. I'm so sorry. I love that kitty kat. Beautiful Bascha.
Awwww... Bascha is such a beautiful cat...
My Psychokitty is a scrapper too... she is all love and affection, until you cross her. Then the claws emerge!
I'm sorry your Bascha is not in the best of health... but she's so blessed to have you there to take care of her and love her so much.
I'll be sending warm thoughts and wishes for you and your Bascha....Lots and lots of cuddles and love
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