Thank you so much, everyone, for your birthday wishes yesterday. Every thought, word and card means so much to me. I hope you'll indulge me as I go overboard with pics from the day for December Views. On my birthday, I woke up to this beautiful lamp from Justin. It's so sparkly that I call it jewellery for the house.
One of the best traditions we ever started was taking each other's birthday's off. I highly recommend it. We bundled up and headed down the The Beaches for a tour around and some breakfast.
This is the local spot where we go for French Toast, OJ, and coffee, coffee, coffee.
Since we're going to be out and about a lot this year for Christmas and we've both been working so hard, we might not get a tree this year. Instead we bought this crazy pointsetta topiary tree. It cracks me up.
When we got home, I opened this spectacular gift from my sister Suzie. She made me my very own Wishcasting amulet! I know it is infused with magic. Thank you, Suzie!
After a little break at home, Justin and I met up with Shannon to see The Golden Compass. I adored it. It's not a perfect movie by any means but it was magical and just where I wanted to be. 
Afterwards I got a chance to have my picture taken with an up-and-coming star...
Then we went out for a scrumptious dinner at a restaurant we just love and haven't been to in ages. In fact, Justin and I went there for one of our first dates.
Shannon got me the Stitch'n-Bitch book and I'm so excited to explore! She and I took our first knitting class together last winter, which was really fun.
It was a great day, a marvellous night, a wonderful birthday. It was awesome to be able to spend it with Justin and Shannon and now with you too! I sincerely hope the next year of my life will be magic!
Oh it looks like you had a glorious birthday! You have lots to celebrate. Okay, and how kick-ass is that Wishcasting amulet?!!! That rocks Suzie!
Well, Jamie, I know you have a wonderful year ahead of you! May all your wishes come true!
Happy Birthday Dear Friend. I know this year will be just amazing for you!
happy birthday dear jamie! wishing you a year full of joy, love, and laughter. xox
What a lovely 'view' of the day! I chime in again on the birthday wishes and hopes for a lovely year ahead. It was great to hang out on your Bday!
A wonderful new life year to you! What a wonderful and well deserved birthday day.
Yay! It really sounds like the perfect day and love that you're doing your own take on the Christmas tree. That lamps is beautiful! I love it. I love that it is so round and fun and beautiful.
I'm so glad you like the amulet Jamie, may all your wishes at Wishcasting come true!
oh happy birth of you!
I miss you but am glad to be able to catch up with you in blog land!
thanks for being ever inspiring and
happy birthday to you! Sounds like you had a wonderful day. :) May this year bring you all the joy you can hold, and then some...
What a birthday!!! Love the Wishcasting necklace--what a great gift! And the lamp rocks! I don't think I could ever get J to do anything as romantic as take the day off work for my birthday...but I used to ALWAYS take my birthday off. I stopped doing that when we moved to the islands...mainly because my boss there was sort of a control freak...ha! But I was just thinking the other day that it's a tradition I'd like to give back to myself. :) Happy Birthday again!
looks like a beautiful and magical birthday :) i just know you are going to have a fabulous year :) xox
Jamie! You have THE BOOK!!!! *trying not to drool over your new knitting book*
I'm glad you had such an awesome birthday, and got to spend it with the people you love.
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