My life feels a little bit like this wall'o'posters right now - full, colourful, a bit hectic! Can you see my poster up there in the mix?
I've missed writing and reading here in blogland, connecting to what everyone's doing and what adventures you're all getting up to. Recently I have been working on rebranding my business, and it has been intense. And today I was thwarted by serious technical difficulties as I try and figure out how I can get my domain name pointed to the new (perhaps temporary) home of my practice, maintain my email addresses and ditch my webhosting. People sure don't seem that ready to help you in moving away from their services.
And I have to tell you that working on that today made me so grumpy! My stress was high. My frustration was high. Grrr. And I was teaching Nia. Man, I didn't want to bring that energy in the room. But it's amazing how getting into your body and out of your mind can shift things. Before I knew it I was feeling clear and open, chipper and hopeful. The nice man at the community centre even called out to me and made sure I got Nia in their July event listings!
As I strike out on my own with Nia classes are small and intimate. It is a real joy to dance together even if there's only 2 of us. And I'm so thankful for Shannon for always being there to dance with me. And I'm so filled with joy for the others who have come out to share the class.
And speaking of joy, I really want to celebrate my dear friend Vern's major achievement. With amazing courage, boundless talent, devoted attention and deep faith, Vern has finished his book, Leilani's Gift: A Mystic/Autistic Quest Across Canada. I have every belief that this book will find its publisher and its audience and be met with wonder and success. I've known Vern for a long time now and have had the pleasure of reading excerpts and hearing readings. His insight, sensitivity, humour and honesty is compelling. I'm wishing him the greatest success!
Vern made a wish on Wishcasting this week. Feel free to come on over and support his writerly dreams with your words.
Way to go on making that poster Jamie! That rocks! I love seeing you up there with all the Toronto events going on, you are an event to go to for sure. I wish you all the success you can muster Jamie and I know you can muster a ton. I'm glad Nia makes you grounded and brings you peace and happiness.
Happy summer solstice!
Hi Jamie
I've been away from the Internet too. I can't get a good signal at home.
It sounds like your sailing ship is in stormy seas right now. I guess that's where it is supposed to be. Know that calm seas are waiting for you somewhere just beyond the immediate horizon.
I admire that way you fill your thoughts and words with positive energy, even when you are being tossed about.
Thank you for the reminder to move, to get out of my head.
how this resonates with me...i find that i can be grumpy and even thinking "oh, i just want to stay home and not go!" but after i am there and i start breathing and finding the space inside me as i teach yoga, it all melts away.
i need to remember that this also happens when i do this alone...find my breath, the space inside.
love seeing your flyer up there!
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